Copernicus HR-WS&I

Since 2019, Magellium Artal Group has been supporting the EEA in implementing the Copernicus HR - Water Snow & Ice offer.

The Copernicus High Resolution Water Snow & Ice project





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Copernicus is a European program whose aim is to collect, process and update data on the state of the Earth. The data collected is made available to users to enable autonomous European monitoring at different scales (local, regional, global). This valuable data contributes to monitoring and managing the effects of climate change.

It is a joint initiative of theEuropean Space Agency (ESA), theEU and theEEA. Copernicus brings together six services, including the Copernicus Land Monitoring Service (CLMS), which combines various satellite and in situ observations to provide near-real-time information on continental surfaces.

Since July 2020, under the delegation of the EEA, the CLMS has been disseminating high spatial resolution snow and ice products over Europe (HR-WS&I), based on Sentinel-2 (S2) optical observations. They are published less than three hours after the S2 data are made available on the Copernicus Hub.



What is Magellium Artal Group's role in the Copernicus HR-WS&I project?


Since 2019, Magellium Artal Group has been supporting the EEA in implementing the HR-WS&I offer, in particular in implementation, operation and promotion. In September 2021, new products based on Sentinel-1 (S1) radar observations were added to the HR-WS&I catalog:

  • Snow: 5 products describing snow cover (snow fraction per 20m x 20m pixel, snow condition (wet/dry) per 60m x 60m pixel)
  • Ice: 4 products describing thesurface condition of the hydrographic network, per 20 m x 20 m pixel.

Since July 2020, this information has been accessible to all through the Copernicus🔗 portal.


magellium artal group snow and ice copernicus sentinel pyrennees
Snow cover in the Pyrenees on 27/09/2020 - fractional snow product (FSC) generated in the Magellium Earth Observation unit © European Union, Copernicus Land Monitoring Service 2021, European Environment Agency (EEA)


What tools does Magellium Artal Group use for the Copernicus HR-WS&I project?


Magellium Artal Group has a wide range of tools at its disposal to carry out its mission:

  • DIAS (Data and Information Access Services) platform, providing a scalable computing and storage environment, as well as a centralised access point for Copernicus S1 and S2 data and HR-S&I products.
  • Python, OpenStack, Nomad, PostgreSQL
  • MAJA, Let-it-Snow, SNAP

HR-WS&I products at a glance:

  • 550 Sentinel-2 products and 230 Sentinel-1 products
  • 2700 HR-S&I products processed every day
  • 5 snow products, 4 ice products
  • Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-1 archives already processed (since September 2016)
  • Various applications: hydrology, hydroelectricity, meteorology, security, research and development, etc.

Find out more on the Magellium Artal Group website dedicated to Earth observation.

Voir nos autres projets

Depuis 2017, Magellium Artal Group contribue activement aux projets FLEX L2 et FLEX DISC de la mission FLEX de l'ESA à travers le prototypage, le développement des chaines de traitement et le suivi des opérations et des performances de la mission.
magOSM is a platform developed by Magellium Artal Group to provide easy access to OpenStreetMap data, with geographical data updated daily for mainland France. Find out more about this open-licence tool, which has about 1,300 users a month.
Spatial data to understand climate change by calculating the heat content of the oceans and the Earth's energy imbalance.

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Magellium Artal Group has over 26 years' experience in data engineering, imaging and IT technologies. We use innovation and know-how to meet our customers' needs, even the most specific and complex. As an active player in our ecosystem, we advocate strong, meaningful values and give priority to achievable commitments and concrete actions.

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